Scanner DPI calculator
Which DPI for Scanned Negatives?
Scan correctly and scale proportionately to your print.
Film type
35mm - 24x36
120 - 6x4.5
120 - 6x6
120 - 6x7
120 - 6x9
Film sheet - 4x5
Printer DPI
300 DPI
200 DPI
150 DPI
100 DPI
96 DPI
72 DPI
50 DPI
Print size
A2 - 42 x 59.4 cm
A3+ - 32.9 x 48.3 cm
A3 - 29.7 x 42 cm
A4 - 21 x 29.7 cm
A5 - 14.8 x 21 cm
Photo - 10 x 15 cm
Custom size
Custom width in mm